Friday, 14 March 2014

Cause and symptoms of Insomnia

Insomnia is common sleep disorders in both men and women. In this article, we mentioned symptoms and cause of sleep insomnia and other health issues allied with insomnia.
Symptoms of insomnia:
The most common symptom seen among many individual is complexity falling asleep. Many individual have the problem of not capable of maintain asleep, this condition also known as MOTN insomnia. The symptoms possibly temporary, lifelong less than a week and affected by some other health issues. The symptoms of insomnia may be acute and typified by the inability to sleep well or the situation possibly chronic. When someone experienced the symptoms of insomnia for longer periods then it turns to the chronic situations.
Additionally the person is not able to plunge asleep or maintain asleep then the person have issues with sleep quality. In this position, sleep is not refreshing because of the person wake up several times throughout the night and has other difficulties concerns to health.
The symptoms of chronic insomnia are effects the lack of sleep. For instance, individual sometimes know-how the muscle exhaustion, mental weariness, difficulty in thinking clearly, difficulty staying awake when driving. Mirages may also arise and the victims of chronic insomnia portray their world as in slow motion. Moving things look like to mingle; double vision is another symptom that may escort chronic insomnia.
Causes of insomnia:                         
Anxiety and stress are one of the common causes of chronic insomnia, it also be concerned in the temporary and chronic types.
Other causes include:
1) Excessive caffeine ingestion 
2) Cigarettes smoking 

3) Extreme alcohol intake 
4) Negative impacts of over the counter medications 
5) Extraction from medications 
6) Fidgety leg syndrome or periodic limb movement 
7) Chronic painful condition like arthritis 
8) Heartburn, constipation and other digestive disorder 
9) Indulgence of sleep aids Poor sleep sanitation

Sport person know-how insomnia because of excessive physical workouts. Physical activity is normally good exercise for improving sleep quality, but exercising late in the evening can make it complicated to fall asleep. Sport person frequently perform in the twilight.

Additionally to these causes, there are few risk factors associated with insomnia. This is mostly occurs in later age of the being and people have the history of mental health problems like depression.

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